In our employee spotlight series, Into the Lumaverse, we go behind the scenes with a team member to learn who they are, what they do, and what brightens their day. Today we’re proud to introduce Dottie Bedell, Director of Human Resources at Lumaverse.
Dottie humbly serves our Lumaverse team members in many capacities, but most specifically, she helps with their benefits, payroll, 401(k) investments, and anything else they need around their role at Lumaverse. She has even won an award for her leadership of onboarding our brands with Zenefits, a comprehensive HRIS platform.
Lumaverse employees work all over the world. Where are you based?
Charlotte, North Carolina.
What do you do in your role as Director of Human Resources?
My central role is to set employees up for success and provide resources or a listening ear anytime it adds value. To accomplish this, I support our employees in all human resource aspects, including compensation and benefits. Over the years, I have learned that it is essential for me always to be available to our team because often, human resource needs occur outside the regular 9a-5pm business hours.
This year my work has also involved adopting and implementing Zenefits, a comprehensive HRIS platform that serves employees across all Lumaverse brands. This tool provides the flexibility for team members to manage elements of their human resource questions, data, and performance on their own and at their convenience.
What is your favorite feature about the Lumaverse solution?
I am so excited about the expansion plans and how the team is working to build out new features and integrations for our users. It’s incredible what we have been able to do with our products in the past, and the future looks just as bright. I enjoy seeing our team make a difference in communities, cities, states, companies, churches, schools, and wherever users want to make their impact!
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
The people I work with. We have an awesome group of people who are caring, professional and respectful. I believe these qualities flow through to our products and how we support our users. Also, another aspect is our tools that are used to do so much good for our users by providing them with help to organize for whatever is needed in their areas.
Tell us about your family.
I have the world’s best hubby and we have a grown daughter who has just finished grad school and landed her first job (and if I may say – she was hired for her job before graduating and all during the pandemic! I am a proud mom.)
Do you have pets?
My husband Lee and I own a hobby farm and we raise grass-fed, grain-finished boutique beef. We raise three to four cows per year and have a shortlist of return customers who love our finished product. We also raise heirloom pigs; we have laying hens and have a pretty robust egg business. Aside from our farm animals, we have two sweet kitties, Birdy and Tula. They’re rescues and are sisters and never argue over who gets the bathroom first, ha!
What is your favorite hobby?
As you can probably guess, I stay pretty busy with our farm, but I do love to sew and spend time with our daughter. I’m also a big foodie and will try to cook anything. I can a lot of our garden vegetables. Lee grows heirloom garlic and we dry and grind it which takes a lot of time, but it has a great taste! I do quite a bit of professional reading and also like to read fun stuff in my downtime.
What is your favorite volunteer opportunity in your community?
My most favorite volunteering is for my church.
Is there a nonprofit or school in your community you feel passionate about, and why?
I support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation because my childhood best friend was born with CF and had a very full, but short life because of it. She was probably one of the funniest people I’ve ever known. My memories of Donna are always at the beach, giggling and laughing until our sides hurt.
If you could magically learn anything you wanted to in one day, what would it be and why?
I would learn how to sew on t-shirt fabric! Every time I try to make something it ends up looking like Gumby should be wearing it. I could probably learn this in one day, but it would be good if it just magically happened.
If you could travel anywhere you wanted to right now, where would it be and why?
The North Carolina coast, hands down. In general, I’m not a big traveler but while growing up I spent every summer at Ocean Isle Beach, from the minute I got out of school to the week before going back, it was a glorious way to spend my summers. There is nothing like the beach with the sand, the sound of the ocean, the sunshine. It is my most favorite place on earth.